If you do not like the default color scheme, you can set up your own colors using the Color menu. There is also an option to generate an animated GIF image of the current scene, for people who would like to download an animation e.g. It also contains an option to generate a to EMANIM with the current wave parameters preset so you can save it for yourself or for sharing it.
The View menu contains a few predefined camera angles for easier viewing of the scene, and you can also switch to full screen mode. The scene can be rotated and zoomed (see Help menu to learn how). When a phenomenon is selected, a short explanation of it is displayed. Using the Phenomenon menu, you can select from several predefined sets of parameters corresponding to various electromagnetic phenomena. The rate of the animation can be set, and there is an option to only show the vectors at the planes without the wave profiles in between so that the movement of the vectors can be easier to compare. The length of this material as well as its extinction coefficients and indices of refraction for both waves can be adjusted using the controls.

To study the interaction between light and matter, a piece of material can be inserted between the two planes. The directon of Wave 1 can be reversed, to study waves traveling in opposite directions. Using the controls, the amplitudes and wavelengths of the waves as well as their phase difference (the phase of Wave 2 relative to Wave 1) can be adjusted. The waves as they move forward are shown between two planes the electric field vectors are displayed at the planes. The single animaGIF () function of the toolbox is extensively documented. No dependency like imageMagick or other GIMP is required.
In EMANIM, you can set up two waves ( Wave 1 and Wave 2) with selectable polarization (horizontal, vertical, left circular or right circular) and you can show their superposition ( Wave 1 + Wave 2). You will be able to build an animated GIF with a series of Scilab snapshots of a graphical figure thanks to the animaGIF toolbox available It is a standalone toolbox. This Scilab tutorial is dedicated to the study of a linear quadratic regulator for an inverted pendulum based on optimal control theory. For clarity, only the electric component is shown at all times (the magnetic component is always perpendicular to the electric component and its magnitude oscillates in the same phase as that of the electric component). The numerous practical examples serve as a framework that can be used as a basis for developing other applications.EMANIM animates electromagnetic waves in vacuum and in matter. The purpose is to provide students and professionals with an introduction to Scilab and its use in engineering and scientific problem solving.
The objective here is to give a thorough description of Scilab's use, in- cluding how to master its environment and programming language, the use of the integrated graphics, the incorporation of user-provided func- tions, and a tour of the numerous application toolboxes.
A CD-ROM, containing the entire Scilab soUrce code as well as a set of precompiled binary executables for a variety of computing platforms, is included with this book. The authors, Carey Bunks (BBN1), Jean-Philippe Chancelier (ENPC2), Fran ois Delebecque, Claude Gomez, 3 Maurice Goursat, Ramine Nikoukhah, and Serge Steer (INRlA ), have not only been involved in the development of Scilab, but have used it for teach- ing and industrial applications for many years. This book contains all the information needed to master Scilab: how to use it interactively as a super calculator, how to write programs, how to de- velop complex applications, and more. Distributed freely via the Internet since 1994, Scilab is currently being used in educa- tional and industrial environments around the world.

This book contains all the information needed to master Scilab: how to use it interac Overview Scilab is a scientific software package that provides a powerful open com- puting environment for engineering and scientific applications.

Overview Scilab is a scientific software package that provides a powerful open com- puting environment for engineering and scientific applications.